Friday, October 17, 2008

Who is “Joe the Plumber”, Really?

A few days ago the American citizenry was introduced to a new political figure. He's a man named Samuel Joeseph Wurzelbacher, and he lives somewhere in Lucas County, outside of Toledo, Ohio. He came to national attention via an interaction he had with Barack Obama over the weekend. The candidate was canvassing door-to-door in Wurzelbacher's neighborhood on Sunday, when the two fell into a discussion about Obama's economic policy. "Joe" asked the Illinois senator if he believed in the "American Dream", and started peppering him with questions about taxes. A FOX News crew was there to record the entire exchange, and it was soon spread throughout the web.

When John Mccain's campaign learned of the footage, they apparently scrambled to integrate a narrative about "Joe the Plumber" into their debate strategy. A strange version of Wurzelbacher's "story" was introduced by John McCain right from the start. He portrayed "Joe" as someone who wanted to buy a small plumbing business, and was concerned that Obama's proposed tax structure would hurt him. McCain kept returning to "Joe" throughout the 90-minute contest, at one point exclaiming maniacally, "Congratulations Joe. You're rich!! You're rich". The Arizona senator made a point of pulling out a quote from the Obama/"Joe" recorded dialog that suggested that his opponent wanted to "spread the wealth around" in America*.

In the process, "Joe the Plumber" became a talking point and a minor celebrity. But it quickly became apparent after the debate that Samuel Joeseph Wurzelbacher wasn't exactly what he had at first seemed. To begin with, it turns out that "Joe" really isn't a plumber at all. He's neither licensed nor registered in the profession, and consequently not supposed to be practicing plumbing in Lucas County. Additionally he makes around $40,000 per year, and is in no position (as a divorced father) to buy the company he works for, or any other company for that matter. In fact he has several outstanding liens against his house, including one for neglecting to pay his property taxes.

"Joe the Plumber" is in a heap of trouble, and he has sacrificed his privacy for fifteen minutes on the national stage. He's been used by John McCain and the GOP, and is quickly replacing Sarah Palin as America's Greatest Joke. Rather than an entrepreneurial hero, it appears that Samuel Joeseph Wurzelbacher is merely yet another partisan tool to be exploited in the Republican's desperate attempt to hold onto political power. The ironic thing is that "Joe" would in fact benefit under Barack Obama's tax structure. When Barack Obama talks about "spreading the wealth", he's not talking about handouts. He's talking about shifting the very real tax burden of this nation on to the wealthiest members of society.

The entire "socialist" meme being pushed by the McCain/Palin ticket is a red herring. The reality is that there won't be any broad new social programs, no matter who is elected. The difficulty lies in financing the obligations that our society has already accrued. Our government is over $10 trillion in debt (when we include the money to be spent in the bailout), and the interest on that sum is astronomical. This is eroding international confidence in our currency. What "Joe the plumber" really represents is the large contingent of middle class schmucks that wouldn't recognize their enlightened self-interest if it bit them on their collective ass. People like Wurzelbacher, who still believe in realizing the "American Dream" through the "free market system" are drinking the Kool-Aid that is destroying our country.

* To really understand what transpired between Obama and Wurzelbacher, you have to see the complete video and/or read the trancript. You can do that HERE.

NOTE: If you didn't see it in the above link, you can find out how the McCain and Obama tax plans will affect you HERE.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent information. If Joe loses his house, maybe McCain can give him one of his. :-)

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think our government is $10 trillion in debt, not billion. I still find it hard to even comprehend such a staggering number.

2:38 PM  
Blogger Merge Divide said...

Thanks Steve... I posted this in a bit of a hurry and missed my typically careful proofreading.

4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As usual "Joe The Plummer" has just become another political football that allows the McCain campaign to sidestep any concrete discussion of the real issues. Every time the McCain campaign has been backed into a corner with a question on specifics it has been deflected, now "joe" seems to be the current shield.

8:26 PM  
Blogger 99 Blogger said...

The Obama's campaign frenzied effort to discredit Joe is a tell-tale sign that Obama's "spread the wealth" comment is scaring them to death. Here's betting that Obama's handers have told him not to utter that phrase again.

8:53 PM  
Blogger Merge Divide said...


That's exactly how I read it. Anything to avoid having to talk about what they are really for to improve the lives of the shrinking middle class. It's all iconography with them.

9:03 PM  
Blogger Merge Divide said...


Only the GOP could get away with saying "spreading the wealth" is a bad thing. They've got their base exceptionally well-trained to settle for table-scraps and a wish.

9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if the presidential candidates would have mentioned that man so much during the debate if he wasn't Joe the plumber, but was Randy the prostate examiner. If nothing else, they definitely would have avoided statements like "I was touched by Randy" and "I want to help Randy reach for success".

9:49 PM  
Blogger Merge Divide said...


Thank you for the much-needed laugh. God it feels good to break the tension of this race once in awhile.

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out this cartoon on Joe the Plubmer and John McCain:

3:55 AM  
Blogger Donkeyhue said...

"he's not talking about handouts."

Thats exactly what hes talking about.

"He's talking about shifting the very real tax burden of this nation on to the wealthiest members of society."

Try and pay attention please. The wealthiest members of society already carry the very real tax burden of this nation.

The issue here isnt whether Joe has a plumbing license or his real name is Samuel, its that Obama got caught off guard and let slip his true intentions of enlarging the welfare state by taking from those that pay the bills in this country to give to those that dont.

Proof that this doesnt sit well with most Americans is the character assasination of "Joe The Plumber" we are now witnessing in the national media and blogs like yours.

Give it another week and Joe will have received more coverage than the hatemonger Rev Wright.

Was McCain a jackass by constantly mentioning him? Yes he was, it just seemed silly, but I cant blame him for trying to convey to voters Obama's position on this because its wrong for America.

But that being said, the issue here isnt Joe or John its that once again America is learning something new about Obama and its something they dont like.

1:10 PM  
Blogger Merge Divide said...

O Donkey,

I reread my post, and failed to find any "character assassination", as you charged. It wasn't like I said the guy "pals around with terrorists". You'll have to provide specific examples so we can discuss the issue.

As far as your take on taxation, I wholeheartedly disagree with you. I'm very much in favor of progressive taxation, as it served this nation well from 1862 until the 1980's. The Reagan era drove a stake into the heart of the American economy and you are seeing the very real effects of his governance right now.

I guess this will be referendum on progressive taxation, with the GOP trying hard to redefine it as "socialism". If the middle class falls for this gambit once again, then the US deserves to continue its slide into its post-superpower status.

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

American journalistic standards, without question, are extinct. Corrupt, dishonorable, and undeserving politicians rise to prominence as a result.

When an American citizen dares to ask a question about taxes, and when that questions forces an answer that reveals an undeniable truth – thievery of the Middle Class (take from those who have earned it, and give to those who have not) – the truth resonates, and then strikes a nerve.

The response is swift; the forces of our biased national media are shamefully unleashed.

Is our Democracy under attack? The name-calling and release of PRIVATE records of our fellow citizen (for asking a question) -- coupled with suspicious financial donors (like from people named “jjjft”), Cease and Desist orders (from Missouri “truth squads”), and unadulterated voter fraud registrations (from ACORN) -- continues unabated and without serious comment from the media.

With questions about these and other offensive issues that await vetting from the media (likely in vain), how can the policy pledges that have been authored by Senator Obama even be trusted?


Pons Asinorum

PS: Is it “the economy stupid” or is it the Country. If we lose our Freedom and Liberty, the economy will be the least of our problems. What was that silly line in Star Wars, Episode III: “So, this is how Liberty dies, not with a bang, but with thunderous applause.”

I’m starting to think that it was not so silly after all.

4:02 AM  
Blogger Donkeyhue said...

I apologize if you think that the term "character assassination" is too strong of a term, but semantics aside isn’t that exactly the point of your post?

You want to avoid the question by discrediting the person that asked the question. Kill the messenger type stuff.

However in the spirit of political discourse I would be willing to make a compromise and concede the point that Joe's question is invalid since his name isn’t really Joe and he is not an actual licensed plumber.

If you would concede that the tens (hundreds?) of thousands of voters registered by ACORN since have their votes thrown in the trash.

Surely you would agree that electing our representatives is slightly more important than the vetting process of the guy that empties our septic tanks?

Just like you don’t think that middle America have the right to dream the American dream, I’m of the opinion that if you are able bodied and still need someone to bus you to the polls then quite frankly you don’t deserve to the privilege to vote. Yeah that’s right I said it. Get out the vote drives piss me off for both sides.

Regarding your point that this will be a referendum on progressive taxation? I was under the impression that the opposite is the reason we are now having this discussion.

Obama let slip his position that doesn’t sit well with most Americans and that is why we are talking about Joe and not that Obama will raise taxes, will let cap gains tax lapse etc. The last thing Obama wants is to make this a referendum on any sort of taxation.

That being said, now Ill play the semantics game and say that one could argue we already have a progressive tax system where the few pay disproportionately more than the many and under Obama the few will be punished even more. Its an immoral policy. The only fair tax is a flat tax.

Would I trust Joe to install my bathroom? No.

Did McCain look like a jackass constantly mentioning him? Yes

Was his question valid? Yes

Was Obama’s answer wrong for America? Yes

"The Reagan era drove a stake into the heart of the American economy"

Now you’re just being silly.

12:40 PM  
Blogger Merge Divide said...


The US media showed bias toward McCain by giving his latest messenger an undeserved 15 minutes of fame. The reason "Joe" is being "attacked" is because he misrepresented himself during a calculated attempt to muddy the waters about the tax structures of the Obama and McCain campaigns. He's not "a plumber" and he's not "getting ready to buy a small company". He's not an "average American" either, because the "average American" pays his taxes on time. "Joe is lying, and the American people have heard enough lies from partisan McCain supporters.

1:05 PM  
Blogger Merge Divide said...

O. Donkey,

Read the post and my comments in this thread more carefully. I could care less about this lying messenger on a personal level. I don't care what happens to him... bad or good. I'm simply offended that the corporate media is allowing the McCain campaign (and "Joe the masters' tool" to muddy the differences between the two candidates' tax plans. "Joe" belongs in the dustbin of history, along with other dupes among the middle class that believe the lies the GOP has been telling America since Reagan.

1:09 PM  
Blogger Donkeyhue said...

Maybe you should read your own posts. Paragraphs three and four in particular which led me to believe that you do care about Joe, so much so that you point out his lack of a plumbers license, his salary, and his credit history. To top it off calling him the biggest joke in America.

"I could care less about this lying messenger on a personal level."

Called him a liar too.

But youre right, maybe I did read it wrong.

On further thought, you are wrong.

The left is just bitter that the infallible Obama slipped up and showed his true colors. You obviously agree with his tax policy but there is a reason his campaign is running away from it and we are now having this discussion about Joe. It polls badly and if this election were about taxes, he would lose. Badly.

Raising ANY taxes in this economy is just dumb. Giving "tax rebates" to people that dont pay taxes is immoral.

I look forward to your future post delving into the credentials of all the newly registered voters by ACORN with as much zeal as you did here for Joe Schmoe.

On a side note and strictly for arguments sake...

"Joe" belongs in the dustbin of history, along with other dupes among the middle class that believe the lies the GOP has been telling America since Reagan."

Lets assume that I agree with the above statement (which I dont) and that it is true.

What is worse?

The evil GOP giving the middle class a false sense of hope in achieving success and the American dream through hard work.


The good and altruistic Dems telling the poor that there is no hope and that only Big Gov can take care of them so they might as well just sit back relax have more kids and wait for the checks to come in the mail.

6:12 PM  
Blogger Merge Divide said...

"To top it off calling him the biggest joke in America."

Don't worry yourself about poor old "Joe". When his 15 minutes are up, he can go back to cleaning up after his boss and fantasizing about being rich and not paying taxes.

"You obviously agree with his tax policy"

You are correct. I agree with Obama's tax policy. It's in my best interest.

"Raising ANY taxes in this economy is just dumb."

Are you suggesting that the US government should just borrow all of its money from China to prosecute your beloved wars? Are you suggesting that the US armed forces and its veterans should go without pay and benefits? That sounds vaguely Anti-American to me.

"I look forward to your future post delving into the credentials of all the newly registered voters by ACORN"

Since these forms were flagged by ACORN employees, and they are then reviewed by elections boards officials, they won't be voting. You should be thanking ACORN for helping purge fraudulent registrations. Instead you're vilifying them for trying to expand participation in our representative democracy. Why don't you want qualified poor people to vote?

You wrote:

"The evil GOP giving the middle class a false sense of hope in achieving success and the American dream through hard work."

You said it, not me.

7:12 PM  
Blogger Donkeyhue said...

"Are you suggesting that the US government should just borrow all of its money from China to prosecute your beloved wars? Are you suggesting that the US armed forces and its veterans should go without pay and benefits? That sounds vaguely Anti-American to me."

Please explain your logic? I cant seem to find any in your argument. I dont believe in raising taxes and all of a sudden Im stealing wheelchairs from vets? That makes no sense and its a strawman to avoid my point.

"Since these forms were flagged by ACORN employees, and they are then reviewed by elections boards officials, they won't be voting."

The vast majority were not flagged by ACORN and even if they were would it make a difference. Its voter fraud of the worst extreme. They are stuffing ballot boxes.

I would imagine you didnt give Enron the benefit of the doubt since it was an employee whistleblower.

Why is this new liberal defense acceptable to you? Ive recently seen it with Pelosi, Rangel, Feinstein and the guy having an affair down in Florida that took Foleys seat. "I broke the law, I demand an investigation" Then nothing happens. Its ludicrous.

What concerns me is not the ones theyve caught its the ones they havent. Votes have already been placed and they are not in this to "register voters" they are in this to get dem votes. Cut it any way you want thats the fact.

You wrote:

"The evil GOP giving the middle class a false sense of hope in achieving success and the American dream through hard work."

You said it, not me.

Well what can I say to that? That it doesnt suprise me that a liberal would take my words out of context in order to avoid the question?

Quite frankly I was hoping for a better debate here on the issues but have found this to be most unsatisfying and the reason i dont comment on sites besides my own.

I wish you well with your blog.

10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Merge Divide:

Some points of clarification about Mr. Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher (Joe the Plumber).

a) He is a plumber (by trade, by salary and by tasking), just not licensed. To say otherwise is disingenuous.

b) His taxes and divorce proceedings have become public knowledge (that is his own business, not ours).

The media is biased and is attacking Mr. Wurzelbacher. For an American citizen to be attacked in this manner for asking a question about taxes is wrong. I think you must realize this because you have resorted to personal attacks and name-calling, rather than a strict application of logic and common sense.

Apart from the media attacks and bias against Mr. Wurzelbacher, the tenet of his question remains. As higher tax rates reach into the upper and middle range of the Middle Class, they cease being progressive and start becoming oppressive. This will retard the economy of our nation.

Even several of the Obama campaign spokespersons understand and agree with that assessment. They counter that only the wealthy classes will be impacted. What constitutes the Wealthy Class; according to Senator Obama’s logic -- $250k and up.

This has introduced the “pucker-factor” for many small business owners in America (not to mention their employees).

Mr. Wurzelbacher’s question has sparked an honest debate in this election. The media has decided not to engage into an enlightening debate, but instead makes Mr. Wurzelbacher’s tax records and divorce proceeding public.


Pons Asinorum

PS: The “pucker-factor” is aviation jargon used by pilots when they find themselves in a potentially lethal situation.

1:33 AM  
Blogger Merge Divide said...

o. donkey,

"I dont believe in raising taxes and all of a sudden Im stealing wheelchairs from vets? That makes no sense and its a strawman to avoid my point."

You must be aware that your president doubled the size of the deficit in the last eight years. The amount of interest we spend on financing the federal debt is quickly approaching the amount of the government budget. Yet McCain supporters want an aggressive foreign policy that will likely lead us into more wars. Like Pat Buchanan said, "McCain will make Bush look like Gandhi". With basic infrastructure badly in need of attention, we can't afford military adventurism. And you want to cut taxes for the wealthy. That's irresponsible governance.

"The vast majority were not flagged by ACORN and even if they were would it make a difference. Its voter fraud of the worst extreme. They are stuffing ballot boxes."

You and FOX News and Limbaugh et al. can continue leveling this charge, but the fact is that ACORN has flagged the forms. Meanwhile, ACORN is clearly not in the position to "stuff ballot boxes'. The only bodies that can do that are the various elections boards. Talk anot "straw man" arguments...

How about this one:

"I would imagine you didnt give Enron the benefit of the doubt since it was an employee whistleblower."

Are you seriously comparing ENRON to ACORN? That undermines any credibilty you might have on this issue.

"Why is this new liberal defense acceptable to you?"

Just as ACORN and Democratic legislators, I support investigations into voter fraud.

"What concerns me is not the ones theyve caught its the ones they havent."

Absolutely. There are likely many other organizations and churches, etc. that are turning in suspect forms. But ACORN gets the bad press because they did what they were supposed to do and drew attention to the problem. Meanwhile they are now a screen for other shenanigans like the GOP's voter intimidation tactics in urban areas of Philadelphia. I'm sure you know nothing of that.

"a liberal would take my words out of context in order to avoid the question?"

I've answered every question you've posed, and put the emphadsis on facts rather than rhetoric.

"Quite frankly I was hoping for a better debate here on the issues but have found this to be most unsatisfying and the reason i dont comment on sites besides my own."

Well, maybe you should be asking yourself what you bring to the table.

8:03 AM  
Blogger Merge Divide said...

Puckered a-hole,

"a) He is a plumber (by trade, by salary and by tasking), just not licensed. To say otherwise is disingenuous."

Not registered. Not licensed. In fact the law in the county he works in requires him to work under the supervision of an actual PLUMBER. That's a pretty clear distinction.

"b) His taxes and divorce proceedings have become public knowledge (that is his own business, not ours)."

He made himself a public figure and misrepresented himself in order to make a deceptive and divisive political point. I have no sympathy for him.

"As higher tax rates reach into the upper and middle range of the Middle Class, they cease being progressive and start becoming oppressive. This will retard the economy of our nation."

People are sick of this type of rhetoric. The fact remains that the middle class, after 28 years, is still waiting for the "trickle" of wealth from the upper class tax breaks of the last couple decades.

"What constitutes the Wealthy Class; according to Senator Obama’s logic -- $250k and up."

The average change in taxes for those making between 250K and 600K is -$12 under Obama's plan. SEE FOR YOURSELF.

"This has introduced the “pucker-factor” for many small business owners in America (not to mention their employees)."

Because they are buying into McCain's scare tactics.

"Mr. Wurzelbacher’s question has sparked an honest debate in this election."

Judging from your post, your assertion is full of crap- which considering the self-decribed state of your bowels, is completely understandable.

8:13 AM  
Blogger Donkeyhue said...

"I dont believe in raising taxes and all of a sudden Im stealing wheelchairs from vets? That makes no sense and its a strawman to avoid my point."

You must be aware that your president doubled the size of the deficit in the last eight years. The amount of interest we spend on financing the federal debt is quickly approaching the amount of the government budget. Yet McCain supporters want an aggressive foreign policy that will likely lead us into more wars. Like Pat Buchanan said, "McCain will make Bush look like Gandhi". With basic infrastructure badly in need of attention, we can't afford military adventurism. And you want to cut taxes for the wealthy. That's irresponsible governance.

You avoided the issue.

"The vast majority were not flagged by ACORN and even if they were would it make a difference. Its voter fraud of the worst extreme. They are stuffing ballot boxes."

You and FOX News and Limbaugh et al. can continue leveling this charge, but the fact is that ACORN has flagged the forms. Meanwhile, ACORN is clearly not in the position to "stuff ballot boxes'. The only bodies that can do that are the various elections boards. Talk anot "straw man" arguments...

Yes they are. Illegal votes have already been cast. If thats not stuffing the box, then what is?

How about this one:

"I would imagine you didnt give Enron the benefit of the doubt since it was an employee whistleblower."

Are you seriously comparing ENRON to ACORN? That undermines any credibilty you might have on this issue.

Reading comprehension is your friend, embrace it. I was making a point about your ridiculous defense of ACORN. Illegal votes have and will be cast and whether or not it was ACORN, the local BOE or Santa Claus that flagged them doesnt change the fact that it was ACORN that registered them to begin with. Giving ENRON a pass because it was an employee that blew the whistle would have been just a ridiculous. Confession is not absolution from the crime.

like the GOP's voter intimidation tactics in urban areas of Philadelphia. I'm sure you know nothing of that.

You werent very specific there but I imagine youre talking about the flyers on the local campuses that turned out to be a hoax or was it the white guys with clipboards in inner city Philly which turned out to be a hoax. Its a good thing that Philly has historically cast more votes than registered voters to even things out then aint it.

"a liberal would take my words out of context in order to avoid the question?"

I've answered every question you've posed, and put the emphadsis on facts rather than rhetoric.

No you havent.Maybe you should go back anbd start reading from the beginning

Well, maybe you should be asking yourself what you bring to the table.

Im bringing the truth steak to your rhetorical sizzle. You write a post about Joe then deny its about Joe. I call you out on it, you change the subject. I state my oppostion to increased taxes, you say Im stealing money from vets. I make an honest attempt to further the discussion, you take my words out of context.

The absolute truth of the matter is that cutting taxes has always stimulated the economy, raising taxes has always stifled the economy and socialism has failed everywhere its been implemented. Your opinion or theory on this is not important. That is the fact.

Obama slipped and revealed his support for a failed policy that most Americans do not support, it has obviously hurt him in the polls and that is why the attack machine including your blog tore into some schmuck from Ohio that had the audacity to ask a Presidential candidate a valid question. His salary, his job description and his credit history have nothing to do with it and you should be ashamed of yourself for going there.

"Mark my words," the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. "It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy." -- Joe Biden

You should spend less time trying to silence some anonymous plumber and focus on shutting Biden's pie hole cuz he may just win this thing for us after all. Go Joe Go!!!

12:29 PM  
Blogger Merge Divide said...

O Donkey,

"You avoided the issue.'

What are you talking about?

"Illegal votes have already been cast. If thats not stuffing the box, then what is?"

Do you work for an elections board? How do you know illegal votes have been cast? How do you know that they were registrations submitted by ACORN? Provide sources for your claims.

"Reading comprehension is your friend, embrace it. I was making a point about your ridiculous defense of ACORN."

Hilarious. You make a profoundly stupid comparison between ENRON and ACORN, and then you lob insults. How can you expect anyone to take you seriously?

"Its a good thing that Philly has historically cast more votes than registered voters to even things out then aint it."

Talk about avoiding the issue. Complete hypocrisy once again.

"Im bringing the truth steak to your rhetorical sizzle."

Are you lampooning yourself? Doing some kind of odd satire?

"The absolute truth of the matter is that cutting taxes has always stimulated the economy, raising taxes has always stifled the economy and socialism has failed everywhere its been implemented."

Nobody is talking about "socialism" except for those with no idea about what it acually is. Obama is proposing middle class cuts. Where have you been the last year and a half?

"and you should be ashamed of yourself for going there."

There is no shame in correcting the lies emananting from the Far Right. From my keyboard to God's eyes.

Now you want to talk about Joe Biden...

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Merge Divide:

“Judging from your post, your assertion is full of crap- which considering the self-decribed state of your bowels, is completely understandable.”

I guess I struck a nerve :-)

Resorting to name-calling when logic and truth fail is vindication of the factual assertions made against your rhetoric and often illogical conclusions.

I appreciate your post but seek more intellectual deliberations with Obama supporters who are perhaps less…emotional... and more knowledgeable in economic matters.

Good luck.


Pons Asinorum

PS: Wishing something to be true does not make it so.

7:15 PM  
Blogger Merge Divide said...

Pons asinorum,

C'mon man. It's clearly a joke about your name... "puckered asshole"- how the hell could you expect me not to take a few jabs (so to speak). On the other hand, I guess I might have expected you to be sensitive.

"PS: Wishing something to be true does not make it so."

I'm glad we agree on something. Cheers!

7:23 PM  

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